Moonlighting: Boon or Bane


Moonlighting, also known as side hustling, is the practice of working an additional job outside of one’s primary employment. It has become increasingly common in recent years, with many individuals taking on multiple jobs to supplement their income or pursue their passions. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of moonlighting from both the employee and the employer perspective.

Employee Perspective:


  • Increased income: The most obvious benefit of moonlighting is the extra income that it brings. This can be especially useful for individuals who are struggling to make ends meet or who have high levels of debt.
  • Flexibility: Moonlighting can offer employees the opportunity to work flexible hours, allowing them to choose the times that they work and balance their work and personal commitments.
  • Pursuit of passion: For many individuals, moonlighting provides the opportunity to pursue their passions and interests. Whether it is starting a small business, working in a creative field, or developing new skills, moonlighting can be a way for employees to enrich their lives and pursue their goals.


  • Workload: Working multiple jobs can be demanding and exhausting, especially if the jobs are physically or mentally demanding. This can lead to burnout and affect an individual’s overall health and wellbeing.
  • Conflict with primary job: The demands of moonlighting can sometimes conflict with an individual’s primary job, leading to problems with their employer or affecting their performance at work.
  • Lack of benefits: Many moonlighting jobs do not come with the same benefits as a primary job, such as health insurance or paid time off. This can be a disadvantage for individuals who are relying on the extra income to support themselves and their families.

Employer Perspective:


  • Increased productivity: In some cases, moonlighting can result in increased productivity for employees, as they have the opportunity to pursue their passions and interests outside of work.
  • Increased diversity: Moonlighting can bring a diverse range of skills and experiences to an organization, as employees have the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge through their side hustles.


  • Conflict with primary job: As with employees, moonlighting can sometimes conflict with an individual’s primary job, leading to problems with their employer or affecting their performance at work.
  • Decreased loyalty: Employees who moonlight may be less committed to their primary job, as they have another source of income and may be more likely to leave if they are dissatisfied with their primary employment.
  • Legal issues: There may be legal issues associated with moonlighting, such as conflicts of interest or breaches of contract that can cause problems for both the employee and the employer.


Moonlighting is a complex issue with pros and cons for both employees and employers. While it can provide individuals with extra income and the opportunity to pursue their passions, it can also be demanding and lead to conflicts with their primary job. For employers, moonlighting can result in increased productivity and diversity, but also decreased loyalty and legal issues. Ultimately, the decision to moonlight is a personal one and should be made after careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits.